Emma van Heusen's Facebook™ ADcelerator Certification Programme

Stop ‘winging it’ with your ads and become a confident Facebook Ads Marketer.

Go from stressing over building ad campaigns and funnels to running them with confidence and build yourself a thriving business as a result.


“I’ve tripled my monthly invoice in 12 weeks and can only see it rising”

Faye Morgan, 365 Day Social

Emma van Heusen's Facebook™ ADcelerator Certification Programme

Stop ‘winging it’ with your ads and become a confident Facebook Ads Marketer.

Go from stressing over building ad campaigns and funnels to running them with confidence and build yourself a thriving business as a result.


“I’ve tripled my monthly invoice in 12 weeks and can only see it rising”

Faye Morgan, 365 Day Social

So you’re interested in understanding more about Facebook ™ Ads?

Good move!

I did it and have never looked back.

While everyone else is talking about how much “competition” there is in the ads world and how running ads is becoming “too expensive,” you’re here recognising the huge opportunity at your fingertips.

And it really is a huge opportunity. Literally at your fingertips.

Here’s why.....

More businesses are running ads than ever before...

This means if you become an expert at this you have a very powerful skill at your disposal.

This is exactly what I do.

I run an agency where I charge premium rates to my clients, so that I no longer have to say “Yes” to any work that comes my way and I also run my own funnels to scale my online business and create passive income.

The more you hone your skills, the more your confidence is going to grow and before you know it, you’ve raised your status to that of the go-to person in your field or your business is starting to scale without you have to do any more work.


I made my money back from the course before it had finished and am now enjoying £5.5k months thanks to Facebook™ Ads and associated work”.

Anna Frapwell, Neon Digital Clicks

FB Ads are seen as a bit of a dark art!

Understanding the strategy behind them is what is going to stand you apart.

Under my mentorship you’ll no longer be winging it by knocking out an ad with no clue what the data is telling you.

Instead you’ll understand how to build and implement strategic campaigns, optimise as you go, identify the bottle necks and confidently interpret the data.


“It’s like someone has given me a shot of adrenaline and I am going to get stuff done. Woe betide anyone who tells me otherwise!"

Mel Eilers, Owner of Socially Sound

Many have had their fingers burned by FB Ads “experts” in the past..

People are quick to say that Facebook™ ads don’t work, but the truth is they absolutely work when you know how to run them properly.

If they didn’t work there wouldn’t be so many brands wanting to use the platform – even the big brands are falling over themselves to have a piece of the action.

The truth of the matter is that Facebook™ Ads are a dark art and you don’t know what you don’t know.

When you know Facebooks™ Ads inside out and have a deep understanding of the strategy BEHIND running ads, you can build ads with confidence and there is no better feeling than that!

This is what is going to stand you apart from 99% of those dabbling in Ads Manager hoping for the best.

...which means just like cream, the true experts rise to the top.


“This course has been a gamechanger for me both personally and professionally.

Despite having the Social Media Marketing skills, I’d always held back from approaching the big brands because I lacked the Paid Social expertise. I had a stuck mindset. This course sorted me out on both counts, so much so, I’m on her Agency Accelerator programme now to learn how to scale!”

Jenny Hall, One Voice Marketing

Are you ready to step into the role of a FB Marketer who knows their shizzle and builds a thriving business?

Truth bomb: you can’t become an expert in Facebook™ ads overnight!

I invested a lot of time and money in honing my skills because I wanted to understand how to do it properly– not just how to put an ad together and read a bit of data.

So if you’re not ready to roll your sleeves up and do the deep (but fun!) work, you’re not ready for this high-touch mentorship program.


I’m Emma Van Heusen, and in my experience, you can’t become a true expert unless you’re trained by a true expert.

I was lucky enough to start on this journey being mentored by Facebook’s™ own Global Strategy Team and then went on to invest heavily in advanced training by some of the best-known Facebook™ Marketers in the World.

This played a h-u-g-e part in giving me the confidence to niche down from general social media services to niching into Facebook™ and Instagram ads that enabled me to grow my business to multiple 6-figures in less than 7 months.

They also taught me a lot about the mindset around running your own business – something I was never expecting.

The Facebook ADcelerator Certification Programme was created for you if you feel like:


You’re just dabbling in Facebook™ Ads at the moment and don’t feel confident to go “all in” because WOAH they seem complicated and make you want to lie down in a dark room with a flannel on your head.


When a client asks you to do Facebook™ Ads for them, you’re “winging it” because you don’t have a deep understanding of what to do, why to do it, and how to analyse what you have done so that you can make data driven decisions.


You’re just dabbling in Facebook™ Ads at the moment and don’t feel confident to go “all in” because WOAH they seem complicated and make you want to lie down in a dark room with a flannel on your head.


You say yes to work because you can do it and not because you want to, and you really want to find that sweet spot that has you getting out of bed with a spring in your step instead of a heavy heart.


You think you charge enough but when you add up all the out of hours and overtime you do and calculate your hourly rate it’s lowball... and you find yourself wondering if it’s worth the stress and would you be better off getting a job in a supermarket?


You’re bored in your business and need a new, exciting challenge that’s going to fulfil you, both mentally and financially.


Your abilities can go beyond social media management and you want to become a go-to expert for something specific that people are increasingly willing to invest in.


You’re a business owner, entrepreneur or coach who wants to understand how to run Facebook Ads ads and funnels so that you can have leads and sales coming in on autopilot.

The truth is, Facebook™ ads are complicated.

And Business Manager is confusing. The simple fact is that you don’t know what you don’t know right now.

But when you DO know after going through the Facebook™ ADcelerator, and the complications and confusions fade away, imagine the powerful force you and your business could become.

Some Urban Myths Busted


You don’t need to be a math whizz to run smoking hot campaigns (I got a D in GCSE math — and that was even after my parents hired me a tutor!!!)


You don’t need to be super creative and get excited every time someone mentions Canva.


You do need a ‘can-do’ attitude as this course gets serious results if you come to it ‘all in’.


You don’t need to have had previous experience running Facebook™
Ads, BUT you do need a desire to learn a skill and put in the work to understand how to leverage this.


The mindset part is not ‘woo woo’ hocus pocus. This is the stuff that EVERY SINGLE OF MY MENTORS has taught me without fail and seeing as they are all highly successful business owners and multi-millionaires I sat up and paid some serious attention.


Facebook is dead with the IOS update. Absolute rubbish. It’s still the best advertising platform out there, so where else are businesses going to spend their money when all Facebook’s competitors are experiencing the same changes? My agency’s client roster is growing, not shrinking, and I commit a healthy adspend to Facebook every single month for my own business.

Some Urban Myths Busted..

  • You don’t need to be a math whizz to run smoking hot campaigns (I got a D in GCSE math — and that was even after my parents hired me a tutor!!!)

  • You don’t need to be super creative and get excited every time someone mentions Canva.

  • You do need a ‘can-do’ attitude as this course gets serious results if you come to it ‘all in’.

  • You don’t need to have had previous experience running Facebook™ Ads, BUT you do need a desire to learn a skill and put in the work to understand how to leverage this.

  • The mindset part is not ‘woo woo’ hocus pocus. This is the stuff that EVERY SINGLE OF MY MENTORS has taught me without fail and seeing as they are all highly successful business owners and multi-millionaires I sat up and paid some serious attention.

  • Facebook is dead with the IOS update. Absolute rubbish. It’s still the best advertising platform out there, so where else are businesses going to spend their money when all Facebook’s competitors are experiencing the same changes? My agency’s client roster is growing, not shrinking, and I commit a healthy adspend to Facebook every single month for my own business.

This is NOT .....

another course to learn a new skill that you don’t do anything with.

This iS .....

about learning a new skill and understanding how to put this into action to build a business that excites you.

Let's be clear on one thing...

This is not some course about how to throw an ad together and understand some of the data – there are heaps of those courses around. This is a unique and transformational blend of strategic upskilling, mindset support, and personalised business advice.

This is the course that I wish I'd taken when I first started out.

It would have saved me a lot of time and money!

As far as I’m concerned, there’s no point giving you everything you need to know to run successful ad campaigns for your clients if you don’t have the confidence to put yourself out there in the first place (so clients know how to hire you!) and you don’t have your business set up for long-term success.

Without fail, all of my mentors have taught me the importance of mindset and I truly believe this is the missing piece of the puzzle that turned my business around.

Because, yes, long-term success is what you’re going to be set up to have once you’ve been through this programme. This course is the one I wished I’d had when I first started out.

Here’s a taste of what's to come...


Weekly live mentoring from me, Emma

So you can bring whatever questions you have to my table (via Zoom video call!) and get in-depth, personalised guidance. This is a high-touch program, and I am heavily involved in your progress.

This live mentoring isn’t just limited to Q&A though, you can also get my eyes on your own ad accounts and get real time feedback on your actual client campaigns if you’re running them. Magic happens on these calls! And if you can’t make them live? You get access to all the replays.


Bitesize training videos in 12 weekly modules

So you can upskill yourself in your own time (be that before the kids wake up or when you can steal an hour to yourself at the local coffee shop). The videos are full of gold and empty of fluff and have been revamped with all the latest tricks and hacks to set you up for 2024. They’re designed to give you the exact training you need and no more, and they’re all stored in your own online dashboard so you can dip in and out whenever suits you.

Also, did I mention you get LIFETIME ACCESS? So, if you ever want to refer back after the programme is finished, you can.


Over the shoulder examples from my business

So you can see exactly what I do for my own clients and more importantly, WHY. This programme is all about the “how” of Facebook™ Ads, but it’s also about the strategy behind the how. The strategy is where the true value of your service is. You can create a beautiful ad, but if you don’t know what to do with it and what to pay attention to when making decisions, you won’t get the results you’re truly capable of. I’ll walk you through the entire process — both the thinking and the doing as if you don’t know how to run funnels, you’re leaving masses of money on the table and makes your job more difficult.


ALL my best practices, hacks, and tips (both for ads and running a business)

So you can do hard things the easy way — and the RIGHT way! I am very open about how I run my business, how I get clients and also the prices that you should be charging. I want you to learn from my mistakes and also from my successes which is how I’ve gone from sitting in the job centre to going to Necker Island in 2022 to a Mastermind with Sir Richard Branson.


Monthly mindset calls with renowned coach, Andrea Callanan

So you can take your new set of super-skills out into the market with the confidence of a rockstar. You can know everything there is to know about ads, but if your fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs are stopping you from showing up online, you’ll do yourself and your potential clients a huge disservice.

People will want to pay money to you — but they have to know who you are and why you’re the best choice! Andrea’s (literally mind blowing) monthly mindset sessions will help you accelerate your self-belief and confidence to help set you up for success.

This is not ‘woo woo’ nonsense. These are the practical steps that some of the most World’s most successful entrepreneurs deploy in their daily lives to set them apart from the competition and are used by every Facebook™ Ad mentor I have ever worked with.


Private Facebook Group

So you can connect with your fellow ambitious ads-experts-to-be as well as my amazing support crew who are in the group every day, ready to support you. T

his programme is as much about the community as it is about the Facebook™ Ads work you’ll be transforming yourself with.

When you have a bunch of peers who are “doing the thing” alongside you, even when you have moments of doubt, you’ll know you’re never alone and a cheerleader is only a click away and many great collaborations have been formed.


Monthly Business Coaching calls with MY Business Coaches

Every month I’ll host a Business Clinic with one of the coaches I worked with who helped me to successfully launch my business. This will be filled with practical tips and strategies to ensure you have the right foundations in place to grow your business without going into overwhelm.


Business Resources

My Business Coach will provide mini trainings and resources for you to help you stay on track with both your personal and revenue goals. the replays.



We know how hard you've worked to become an expert, and we've made sure you get all the recognition you deserve.

Our 25 point CPD-accredited Facebook Adcelerator course includes interactive quizzes and a final assessment, so you'll earn a certification that showcases your skills, enhances your credibility so you can attract more clients and grow your business confidently.

Here’s an even closer look...

The in-demand gold your brain is going to be armed with during our 12 weeks together.

I want you to learn from my mistakes and also from my successes which is how I’ve gone from sitting in the job centre to being invited to Necker Island to a Mastermind with Sir Richard Branson!


Get super familiar with the entire architecture of the dashboard and know exactly where to go for what

Understand the different ad objectives and how they can drastically affect your results

Know your way around the different campaign levels and what each one means

Ditch the fear around Business Manager so you can onboard new clients with confidence

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Get to grips with all the different types of ads that are available to choose from and which ads work best in different niches (this is KEY to becoming an expert)

Gain a deeper understanding of the algorithm and, more importantly, how to use it to beat the big brands with deep pockets

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Swipe my best hacks to help you harness the power of social proof to rev up your results

Understand how and why ‘unicorn ads’ can be crucial in the auction process and how to rank better in the newsfeed

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Understand the true value of different audiences and where you should be paying the most attention and focusing your budget

Know exactly how to build awesome audiences so you can put your ad in front of the right person — this is critical and so many get it wrong (which is when the costs go up and the ads don’t convert!)

Leverage your time effectively, so you never fall down another Facebook Ad rabbit hole or make an uninformed choice again

Discover the hacks and tools I use in my business to cut down on time spent on audience research

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Master how to write captivating ad copy (and write it fast!) that makes your ideal audience feel like you’re reading their mind and has them primed to click

Be able to select scroll-stopping visuals to pair with your captivating copy so your ads get noticed above the noise

Understand the strategy behind a high-performing ad and why this is what underpins ad success

Recognize the importance of split testing to find the hooks and imagery that resonate with different audience segments.

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Understand the epic power of pixels and events and how to leverage them to ensure your targeting is laser-focused (this goes far beyond simply placing a pixel on a page!)

Maximize your clients’ ROI by using data to build even more effective audiences and retargeting audiences

Grasp the importance of the long game and how events and triggers can support this process

Learn how to segment your audiences and create VIP audiences that can significantly improve your campaigns

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Understand how a sales funnel works and where Facebook Ads fit into that so you can build highly effective campaigns that work together and don’t leave money on the table

Get an overview of sales psychology and how to implement this in your funnels with the latest trends we are seeing

Increase the value you can offer your clients by knowing how to increase conversion rates to provide them with optimum results

Learn what kinds of funnels to run for different verticals and even how to run them in your own business to get leads

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Know exactly how to map and build an enticing ad campaign that helps clients build their email lists – "the money is in your list," as they say

Understand the ad spend required to achieve the specific results your clients want and how different metrics can drastically affect the outcome

Recognise the considerations needed to assess whether a desired result is achievable, the key metrics to monitor, and how to identify bottlenecks that are sabotaging performance

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Know exactly how to map and build a click-worthy funnel for ecommerce brands that helps them sell more of their products

Understand how to guide a potential customer to become an actual paying customer and the metrics that help determine the budget needed to achieve a particular result

Recognise the other influencing factors of your ads that can enhance or hinder their performance

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Understand how to improve your campaigns once they’re running to maximise the return on ad spend

Be able to analyse the data and use it to make smart, data-driven decisions on what to capitalise on and what to scrap, allowing you to confidently scale the campaign, both horizontally and vertically

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Be able to identify why a campaign is stalling (without going into panic mode, as this will happen at some point!) or why something that was working suddenly isn’t, and know what to do to get it back on track

Learn industry tips, hacks, and the levers to pull for optimal performance

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Steal my best tips on finding great clients and building revenue streams from when I started my own business and what’s worked for previous ADcelerator students

Get my most practical advice on how to leverage the incredible skills you’ve learnt to position yourself as an expert

Understand how to price yourself and the value ladder you can use in your business to grow steadily

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Feedback from some my Adcelerator Graduates

Vanessa Rinaldi, Owner of Mrs Social

Hear how this course has turned Vanessa’s business around

Niyc Pidgeon, Multi 8-Figure BusinessMentor, Award Winning Positive Psychologist and Hay House Author

Caroline Webb, Owner of Socialeyes Digital

Hear how Caroline has triped her income as continues to be mentored by me

Sign up to the Facebook ™ ADcelerator Certification Programme today and get your business (and profits) skyrocketing.

  • Access to my 12 week gold standard Certification programme (value £4997)

  • 25 CPD points for certification to put all over your marketing! (Value: priceless)

  • 4 months of live coaching calls with me and my team (value £12000)

  • Bitesize training videos and downloads in each of the modules (with lifetime access*)

  • Over the shoulder examples from my business (Value: priceless)

  • ALL my best practices, hacks, and tips (both for ads and running a business)

  • Closed Facebook ™ group with daily support from myself and my team (value £3000)

Secure your Spot TODAY !

Facebook ADcelerater Certification Programme



A live workshop with me to plan plan your business growth and take take your income to the next level - Value £997


A free ticket to my next in-person event - Value £97


3 Months FREE Membership To The Digital Tribe To Get Continued Support From Me And My Coaches - Value £231


My Nail Your Niche Masterclass - Value £497


My plug and play emails to get clients - Value £997


My Masterclass On Creating A Workshop To Raise Your Profile - Value £147


How To Use Your Strengths To Build An Aligned Business Masterclass - value £147


Adspend Calculators - value £97


Our Agency Tools List - value £47


My Client Questionnaire - value £97


My Content Pillars Framework And How I Use It To Get Clients - value £197


Top 5 Funnel Blueprints - value £497


My Masterclass On How To Create A Funnel To Get Clients On Autopilot - Value £497


Entire Reading List That Helped Me Build My Business In Less Than 7 Months - Value £97


NEW BONUS - My Business Coach’s course on Productivity and Planning worth £1497


  • Alive workshop with me to plan plan your business growth and take take your income to the next level - Value £997

  • A free ticket to my next in-person event - Value £97

  • 3 Months FREE Membership To The Digital Tribe To Get Continued Support From Me And My Coaches - Value £231

  • My Nail Your Niche Masterclass - Value £497

  • My plug and play emails to get clients - Value £997

  • My Masterclass On Creating A Workshop To Raise Your Profile - Value £147

  • How To Use Your Strengths To Build An Aligned Business Masterclass - value £147

  • Adspend Calculators - value £97

  • Our Agency Tools List - value £47

  • My Client Questionnaire - value £97

  • My Content Pillars Framework And How I Use It To Get Clients - value £197

  • Top 5 Funnel Blueprints - value £497

  • My Masterclass On How To Create A Funnel To Get Clients On Autopilot - Value £497

  • Entire Reading List That Helped Me Build My Business In Less Than 7 Months - Value £97

  • NEW BONUS - My Business Coach’s course on Productivity and Planning worth £1497


  • The Facebook ADcelerator for FREE

  • Upon graduation of the Facebook ADcelerator you will move into my Business Accelerator called UPGRADE for 6 months to help build your business and revenue streams to consistent £5k+ months (valued £9997)

  • 6 x 1-to-1 calls with me (valued £3000)

  • An in person VIP day at my house (valued £1500)

  • 12 months worth of ads support in my Digital Tribe Membership (valued at £924)

  • A live workshop with me to plan plan your business growth and take take your income to the next level - Value £997

  • A free ticket to my next in-person event - Value £97

  • My Nail Your Niche Masterclass - Value £497

  • My plug and play emails to get clients - Value £997

  • My Masterclass On Creating A Workshop To Raise Your Profile - Value £147

  • How To Use Your Strengths To Build An Aligned Business Masterclass - value £147

  • Adspend Calculators - value £97

  • Our Agency Tools List - value £47

  • My Client Questionnaire - value £97

  • My Content Pillars Framework And How I Use It To Get Clients - value £197

  • A live workshop with me to plan plan your business growth and take take your income to the next level - Value £997

  • Top 5 Funnel Blueprints - value £497

  • My Masterclass On How To Create A Funnel To Get Clients On Autopilot - Value £497

  • Entire Reading List That Helped Me Build My Business In Less Than 7 Months - Value £97

  • NEW BONUS - My Business Coach’s course on Productivity and Planning worth £1497

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have any previous experience of running ads?

If you’ve had experience boosting the odd post then that will set you in good stead. If you haven’t then I would encourage you to open an ad account before starting the course (we can help you with this) and getting yourself familiar with the Facebook™ Ads Manager dashboard even if nothing there means anything to you as yet. By the time the course has finished, going in there will feel like second nature and you’ll be interpreting data like a pro!

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How much time do I need to dedicate each week?

On average the lessons will take an hour or under to go through and then the weekly call takes between 60-90 minutes depending on the banter and questions. These calls are an integral part of the course and the attendees get a lot out of them and helps to accelerate their learning.

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Do I need a live client during the course?

No you don’t. I didn’t have a live client when I did my first Facebook™ Ads course. What I have found during the year I’ve been running this programme, is that most attendees want to go out and get clients as they delve deeper into the course as they are excited by their new found skills and have clients by the end of the 12 weeks.

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Is there weekly homework?

No, there aren’t any assignments to submit and you set the pace. Sometimes life gets in the way and you may fall behind at times due to other commitments or unexpected events. A lady during the February cohort had a baby but the support in the Facebook group meant she could continue when she felt ready without feeling overwhelmed.

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Is there enough demand for Facebook Ad Marketers?

Without a doubt. Facebook™ and Instagram are where all the brands both big and small are shifting their budgets because there are no other platforms that have the targeting capabilities and volume of traffic. Think global, not local – there is more than enough work to go round and most course attendees make their investment back within a few months of graduating if not sooner. Some have even recouped their investment before graduating!

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How long do I have access to the course for?

You get access to the course for life.

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With all the updates to the Facebook and Instagram platform, will the course remain up to date?

Yes, our team regularly goes through the course to ensure all modules are up to date.

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